Tuesday, December 31, 2013

the girl who ate your flower

He came to her
Eyes toward the ground
And flower in hand
Speaking in muffled sound

A single rose he gave
To the captor of his heart
Face red with untarnished innocence
Then came the next part

She took the rose from him
And devoured it with a smile
This shocked  the little boy
Who stood stunned for a while

Then he ran away crying
Tears of first heart break
Which left the uncouth girl
To ponder her mistake

What wrong had she done?
A rose was offered as affection
And did she not fully accept it
Into herself in whole completion?

Thus his sudden flight
Seemed but a cruel taunt
To the saddened little girl
Whom loneliness continues to haunt

Monday, December 16, 2013

chapter one

A long long time ago
When the sun was still a twin
There sat a man upon a hill
Who breathed his love to the wind

He watched it float gently in the breeze
Across skies of dappled hue
But the god Macre observed from afar
And his jealousy silently grew

For love was a luxury
Reserved only for the immortal kind
How dare this puny mortal
Partake in a privilege of the divine

So down he sent a moth
Tiny fluttering snare
To snatch the man's love
And flew straight into the sun's glare

With his love gone
The man fell into dark despair
And in the place of his lost love
A black whole began to form there

He then tore it out of his soul
And tied it to an arrow
With mighty rage he drew
And let lose his all consuming sorrow

Aimed towards the twin suns
The mighty arrow flew
Unwavering and determined
Towards its burning target true

And in its furious journey
It sliced all existence into two
And thus born the Reflected World
But our story is far from through

For the arrow struck one half of the twins
And in instantaneously extinguished the sun
Plunging the Reflected World into permanent night
Yet still our story has just begun